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Board Election June 2018

Dear all,


I am pleased to inform you that we are in the process of getting our Women in Aviation International (WAI) San Francisco Bay Area Chapter current with the main WAI  organization. Part of the steps to re-establish the WAI-SFBA as an active chapter include:



  • Documenting all active members who paid membership to the WAI International for the year 2018 (we have a lag on the reports we get with the organization)

  • Identifying candidates to serve as nominees or officers for the WAI San Francisco Bay Area Chapter

  • Holding elections to select the new members of the Board as listed in our bylaws for following positions:


  • President

  • Co-President

  • Treasurer

  • Secretary


Note: The Board is planning to unanimously appoint committees within the WAI San Francisco Bay Area Chapter for upcoming necessary functions to help us grow and help us reach out to the general public.



Upcoming for election are the following nominations:


  • Co-President: Ana Uribe Ruiz

  • Co-President Dorina Papanikolaou 

  • Treasurer: Keri Martin

  • Secretary: Denise Kousoujian

  • Special Chair: Pamela M Svrdlin

  • Outreach Chair: Monali Jain



 Thus, we are requesting that you confirm your active membership status per email to Please inform us if you paid membership dues for the year 2018 to WAI and provide your ID number; or send a notification of updating your membership by the end of May 2018. For data collection and analysis we would also like to know your current involvement in aviation, which could be wide, including student pilot, private pilot, CFI, ATP, Mechanic, Controller, FBO Management, etc. A link to the Survey (Survey Monkey) will be sent in the next days.


Any active members interested in serving as officers in a committee should express their interest and submit a bio by the end of May 2018 per email to General elections will take place in June 2018. Additional information will be provided closer to that timeframe.


Warm Regards

Pamela M Svrdlin, President

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